Monday 26 September 2016


There will come soft rains, one day
When the traces of our forefathers
Leave us behind soaked in its glories.
Now in these days of the locusts
And mechanical automatons the chimes
Of their stories find place in manifold ways;
While the chill of a November gust
Curves up my legs in the anguish of
My daily living and the tattle tale rhyme
Of mockery and untold devices must
Unfold before the eyes of a nonchalant being.
I am the silent sufferer, it is me
That chose to digress further to those unworldly
Voices, bringing with it a tide of dubious meanings.
It was self-doubt in a way that chose
To degrade me and question my means of living;
But of a sanguine evening when all was quiet
I found that the road to self-discovery
Was more apathy than self-annihilation,
While the rest was being alive and making merry.
I wait for that day when the droplets
Of sanguine memory seek to engulf me,
Berating me for my lost conscience
And to carry along in their vein
This untenable story of psychosis and me.